Panel discussion organized by ‘Le Cercle des Transports’

Financial sustainability of urban transports

The association ‘Le Cercle des Transports’ aims to bring together personalities of the transport system during social gatherings to improve free exchange of views and extensive dialogue on this sector issues. On March 15th, ‘Le Cercle des Transports’ wished to have a session dealing with the financial sustainability of urban transports. Hervé Nadal, member of ‘Le Cercle des Transports’ and CEO of MENSIA Conseil organized and chaired the session.

The meeting was a panel-discussion permitting wide-ranging debates, crossing perspective and points of views from all over the sector’s personalities:

  • Hervé Nadal, CEO of MENSIA Conseil, outlined key-datas, trends and questions the sector deals with.
  • Bruno Faivre d’Arcier, Professor Emeritus of ‘Laboratoire Aménagement, Economie, Transports’ at the Université de Lyon exposed the state of R&D on the question and focused on French regional position according to the specific national pricing policy.
  • Frédéric Baverez, executive director of Keolis France illustrated the point of view of a strategic operator facing the financial hardships of the Public Transport Authority, committed to find optimized solutions.
  • Nicolas Bourgeon, Transportation and Mobility Director at MENSIA Conseil, offered an overview standing on the cabinet’s experience of different transport authorities and their leverage actions to enhance the effectiveness of the sector.

The full text of these presentations is available upon request on mail to: