Hervé Nadal graduated from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris and holds a post-graduate degree in organizational sciences “decisions, spaces, powers” from Paris Dauphine university. Founder and president of MENSIA Conseil, he has a 29 years long experience in strategic consulting.
Thanks to his experience in advising local authorities, major public or private utilities’ operators, infrastructure managers, private companies in charge of delivering public services or goods, he became specialized in issues related to the cooperation of private and public sectors, notably regarding the contractual relationship between public authorities in charge of the definition of public services’ goals, and the private operators who run them.
As an expert in the domain of insfrastructure (railways, roads, ports), of public transportation and logistics, he works for operators’ infrastructure managers’ heads (diagnosis and strategic orientations, transformation strategy, business plans, regulation pricing based contracting).
As an expert in the domains of urban policies and notably in the fields of regional development, urban planning, urban renewal, real estate development, and mobility from the local to the national scale, he works for urban public transportation authorities and local authorities in the domains of local development (economic and urban development) and on the elaboration of projects for local and regional development (integrated urban planning and development, urban projects, urban renewal), and on the related governance and transformation processes.