Mobility and Public Transportation
Citizens’ day to day mobility needs constitute a major issue for city regions’ economic achievements and in terms of social inclusion. Mobility is a “right” for everyone, but also a challenge for the environment.
Need for transportation is determined by a wide range of factors such as the relative value of spaces, local tax rules, and public policies: residents’ and activities’ localizations, design and density characteristics of public spaces, transport supply, time management and speed regulations in the city.
Because of the way it is financed, public transportation inherently plays a strong redistributive role between users, and above all between different areas of a city-region. The definition of public transportation supply causes conflicts given its impact on households’ wealth and on land and housing rent.
The need to monitor public spending dedicated to public transportation has become a crucial issue in order to carry out ambitious policies for the development of sustainable mobility practices.
It’s only by integrating the political, social, strategic, operational, economic, organizational and contracting issues that challenges will be met appropriately.
Our intervention and our assets:
Strategic and operational consulting to address mobility challenges, for transport authorities and operators.
Strategic consulting and assistance for the monitoring of policies in support of sustainable mobility practices:
- We promote a systemic vision, taking into account key public policy decisions: clarifying goals, integrating all the levers of public action, reaching an optimal allotment of funding and of resource allocation.
- We consider the overall performance of transport supply and the long term financial sustainability of transport networks, integrating all costs.
Governance and organization of local authorities’ powers when they intervene to promote sustainable mobility practices.
- MENSIA Conseil is specialized in the fields of transports and sustainable mobility, with a focus on socioeconomic performance and the engineering of public choices.
- One of our major assets lays on our capacity to mobilize multi-disciplinary teams in order to consider the transport/mobility policy of any given public institution, taking into account the wider public policy strategies it pursues in other domains: urban planning, local economic development, urban renewal projects, improvement of public spaces, housing, environment, social policy.
Optimizing public transport networks’ efficiency and economic achievements (relevance of transport supply and associated services) and support for contractual negotiations:
- MENSIA Conseil has been developing for many years a benchmarking tool to compare the operational performance of urban public transport networks and to identify best practices. We have defined a method for an integrated economic monitoring (fair policy; global financial impact of decisions’ assessment; public sector management; analysis of current operations’ performances…).
The new deal of regional politics for transportation and mobility : MENSIA Conseil offers a consulting proposition to Regional Councils within the context of the implementation of the territorial reform regarding transportation and mobility, available here : Overview presentation and sheets abouts Strategy, Governance, Transports provision, Contracts and partnerships, Organization.
MENSIA Conseil also offers its expertise to transport operators:
- Efficiency and economic performance optimization for subsidized transport activities.
- Meeting Public Transport Authorities’ demands in an increasingly stressed economic and financial context.
- Optimization of the connections between public transport networks and of the quality of contracting relationships.
Our clients:
Local governments:
- For the definition of public transport and sustainable mobility policies: “Mobility and multimodality” section for Regional Infrastructure Master plans, urban mobility planning (PDU), new transport infrastructure projects (as project owner or to advise other funders), urban transport action plans, intraction between services and infrastructures, evolution of local airports.
- For the coordination of mobility policies, planning and land development: coordinated transportation-urbanism strategy, mobility part of large (SCoT) or local (PLU) planning documents, national/local governments contracts for territorial development (CDT).
- For the integration of urban freight solutions.
Transport organization authorities:
- Public Transport Authorities, when in charge of public service prerogatives: financial sustainability of mobility policy and fare pricing, public transport network optimization, opting for a way to organize public services, contract and operations’ supervision, public service delegation contracts.
- For governance challenges between transport authorities and for the optimization of interactions and between transport modes.
- For new responsibilities and competences due to institutional developments: merger, creation of an appropriate local structure, competences’ evolutions and territorial reform.
- Transport operators: in house operators, semi-public operators, SNCF Proximités for subsidized rail transport activities.