Social and Regional Cohesion

The new urban policy and the current reform of local and regional authorities enact major changes in the way public policies are designed and implemented in the fields of social and regional cohesion:

  • Urban policy is now organized around a single urban contract, gathering all funders around a common, shared urban and social cohesion project elaborated at the city level, fully integrating urban renewal projects. Urban policy thus goes back to the core of its role, as it tries to fully mobilize each partner’s resources in order to fulfil collective goals.
  • Distribution of roles between stakeholders is gradually being clarified, with city groupings in charge of elaborating the strategy and ensuring actors’ involvement, and of mutualizing resources, while municipalities act at the local level, looking after inhabitants’ needs; and district authorities deal with rural areas.


Urban Policy and PNRU (National Plan for Urban Renewal).

MENSIA Conseil works for city groupings and municipalities:

  • In order to identify urban transformation challenges for targeted areas on the medium and long terms.
  • In order to manage urban policy partnerships and have them focusing on an action strategy that integrates all the levers that can impact on targeted areas at different scales (neighborhood, municipal, city-region).


Our intervention and our assets:

Our consultancy puts at your disposal its ability to conceive and implement urban policy projects, thoroughly taking into account the challenges and procedures inherent to this domain of public policy:

  • We benefit from an in-depth experience in working with urban policy actors at the national level (CGET, ANRU).
  • We have worked on a regular basis on the elaboration of urban policy contracts between local and national authorities. Our expertise is renowned.
  • Advanced expertise in terms of urban and regional strategies and in the field of urban renewal, social cohesion, and employment policies.
  • Rigorous analysis methods, based on objective findings, relying on facts, figures, and a thorough monitoring of local dynamics.
  • Project planning methods that allow stakeholders to gradually reach shared views.
  • Work methods that allow for participatory approaches and a close relationship with our clients.

Our clients:

  • Est Ensemble city grouping: elaboration of « contrat de ville » and response to NPNRU call for projects.
  • City of Cayenne: PRU evaluation and response to NPNRU call for projects.
  • Lille Métropole: organization of the urban policy department.
  • City of Limoges: evaluation of PRU and CUCS (local social cohesion program) – elaboration of a local strategic plan (PSL).
  • Support for the monitoring and governance of PRUs: cities of Clermont-Ferrand, La Seyne-sur-mer, Marseille, Nîmes, Valenciennes.
  • Definition of social cohesion strategy: Nord – Pas-de-Calais Region, Greater Dunkerque, Greater Grenoble.
  • Evaluation and Elaboration of CUCS: Greater Nancy, Greater Dunkerque, Lacs de l’Essonne city grouping, Greater Tarbes public interest grouping, city of Saint-Etienne.
  • Evaluation of PLIE (local plans for employment and professional insertion): Greater Nancy, Greater Tarbes public interest grouping.


Social Cohesion policies

MENSIA Conseil works with districts for the elaboration of their social cohesion policies (social integration, children protection) and on improving the conditions in which they are implemented locally. We also seek to mobilize all policy sectors under districts’ command to leverage on local social development projects.


Our intervention and our assets:

Our consultancy assists you:

  • To determine targeted populations’ needs.
  • To define, evaluate, and update support measures.
  • To help organizing targeted public’s empowerment.
  • To deploy district policies at the local level.


Our clients:

  • Evaluation and elaboration of districts’ professional insertion strategies: Loiret, Hautes-Pyrénées, Oise, Saône-et-Loire, Paris.
  • Deployment of child protection policies: Bouches-du-Rhône and Indre-et-Loire districts.
  • Local implementation of social policies and services: Bouches-du-Rhône, Indre-et-Loire, and Oise districts.


MENSIA Conseil has established a regular working partnership with FORS Recherche Sociale.